When the Student is Ready, the Teacher Appears


Here are some of the upcoming events that our Wisdom Teachers are offering this summer.

Jennifer Dickens and Kate Neligan:
Website: https://heartmathhorses.com/
Jennifer and Kate are collaborating on a 6-week experiential program called HeartMath and Horses: Expanding Your Capacity to Love starting on August 27. This is a virtual interactive course from the Mother Ranch in Colorado and Jen’s living room in Santa Monica, CA and includes six 90-minute teaching and coaching sessions. 

Kate Neligan:
Feminine Leadership – Learning From Horses Workshop August 15 2 – 5pm MT. Also available as a virtual event.

James John:
Website: http://www.livinglaf.com/   See his new YouTube show Living With the Ego https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vItxn6PVU8o&feature=youtu.be

Lois Kramer-Perez:
Website: https://loiskramerperez.com/ 3rd Thursday of the Month Meditation Aug 20  7-8pm https://bit.ly/RegisterforClearYourStress   Also, Weekly Women’s Circle on Thursdays 10:30-11:30am https://bit.ly/RegisterWomensCircle

Nancy Smith:
Website: http://www.essenceofself.com/yoga-classes.html Yoga, chair yoga, reiki, and ayurveda massage classes online; check for schedule   

Ilona Hress:
Website: http://livingenlightenedrelationships.com/events/  Shine the LIGHT! Weekly Teleconference Calls on Wednesdays from 7:15 – 8:30 pm, 339-209-6632   Also: Friday nights at 7:30pm Live Video conference for New Moon Activation  August 21

Dr. Gerald Buchoff:
Website: https://holisticpetcarenj.com/events/ Non-Anesthetic Dental Clinic Returns  August 25 – August 26  8:30am – 5:30 pm  Appointment needed.

Dr. Ken Harris:
Website: https://www.doctorkenharris.com/events/  Public Lecture And Book Signing  August 23, 2020  1:30 pm – 3:00 pm Denver, Colorado

Erina Cowan:
Website: http://www.bluesunenergetics.net/free-wed-eve-clearings.php
Navigating These Times With Grace and Ease   Free Wednesday Evening Clearing Calls from 6:00 – 6:30 pm MT 

Here are more Wisdom Teachers and how to contact them:

Peggy Neligan: Chinese Face Reading
Chinese Face Reading is one branch of ancient Chinese medicine which is over 3,000 years old and is based on patterns in nature, in the environment, and in the body.  Peggy Neligan will share her expertise in reading the features, wrinkles, and markings on a face so that you, too, can read a face like a map. This map can tell you where you’ve been and where you’re going on your life’s journey: physically, mentally, and emotionally. Whether you read your own or a loved one’s face, Peggy will show you how face reading reveals a person’s true nature. This allows you to love and have compassion for yourself and others. Take advantage of her free offer and sign up to win one of three free face readings.   

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