When the Student is Ready, the Teacher Appears

MCNJ’s Virtual Psychic Fair

Saturday, May 17, 2025 and Sunday, May 18, 2025

10am – 5pm ET
on Zoom and by Phone

All Psychic Readers are providing their readings at a reduced rate in honor of MCNJ’s fundraiser.  

These intuitive Psychic Readers have been vetted by MCNJ. All are gifted in their field and are in service to bring forth the highest level of information to you from your guides and the Higher dimensions. Registration ends at midnight on May 15th, but spaces will fill quickly. Click the button below for tips on how to choose a reader.


These wonderful intuitives can help answer many of your questions.  How do you know who to choose to do a reading and get your answers?

Tarot, Angel, and Oracle Card Readers

Use a special deck of cards along with their intuition to answer questions such as: Am I meant to move soon and where? Or How long is this relationship going to last?  Or What do I most need to know over the next three months? Our Tarot, Angel, and Oracle Card Readers are: Pina – Lady of the Light, Cindy Zweibel, and Lisa – Lady of the Crossings.


Are psychics who can help you to connect with departed friends, relatives, or other loved ones in the spirit world.  It is very comforting to get messages from the Other Side and a medium can bring a message for you using evidence only you might recognize. Our Mediums are: Lindsey Sass, Pina – Lady of the Light, Lisa – Lady of the Crossings, Diane Rivera, Lori Milchman, and Swami Tirtha.

Healers such as Shamans and Medical Intuitives

May be able to tap into underlying health issues for you or your pet and give insight about possible conditions that concern you.  They are not meant to take the place of a medical professional but often bring to our awareness issues we need to address. Our Healer psychics for people and pets are: Bill Bradley, Lindsey Sass, Diane Rivera, and Swami Tirtha.

Special Skills

All of our readers are psychic and can offer a general Psychic Reading. Some intuitives, however, have special skills as well. Our Intuitive  Numerologist is Virginia Russell.

How It Works


Choose from among the Readers listed below! (Try more than one!).


Click the register button to choose what time works for you and is on their schedule. (All times are ET)


You will be sent a confirmation by return email after your payment.


Click the register button to choose what time works for you and is on their schedule.

Detailed Reader Bios

Bill Bradley

Bill Bradley


Bill Bradley is offering PSYCHIC and MEDICAL INTUITIVE READINGS. He specializes in seeing the unknown reasons for illness or any issue in the mental, physical or spiritual body. Bill works as a full-time medical medium and clairvoyant healer. He provides energy scans and chakra clearings for his clients.

For further information about Bill, please see his website at www.billbradleyreadings.com or call 973-262-4355 or email – Check out Bill’s Google Reviews Here!

Pina - Lady of The Light

Pina - Lady of The Light


Pina – Lady of The Light in an ORACLE PSYCHIC MEDIUM. Blessed with many gifts, she works in the ANGELIC REALM. Pina follows her Spiritual path through this life using her gifts to help others. Her gifts include contact with loved ones in the Realm of the Divine, Angel communication and Psychic ability to see the future. To help with the fruition of manifestations, she blends oils, enchants candles, makes spiritual baths and incense. Pina also facilitates workshops, Candle Magick, Smudge Fans and Pendulum classes . She holds monthly Spirit Circles to connect to Loved ones.

Contact Info: Ladyofthelight3@optonline.net or 203-312-4497

Lisa - Lady of the Crossings

Lisa - Lady of the Crossings


Lisa – Lady of the Crossings is offering ORACLE PSYCHIC/MEDIUMSHIP readings. She connects with the ANGELIC and ELEMENTAL REALMS as well as with her own and a client’s angel, guides or ancestors that want to provide messages and validations. Lisa comes from three generations of intuitive ancestors, and has had a connection with the spirit world from a very early age.  She uses clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairsentience, claircognizance, and clairsalience during readings as well as tapping into her client through her empathic nature. Once the door is opened to Spirit the client can expect messages to come through via signs, symbols, spoken word, sounds and feelings. Lisa shares all messages that come through. She reads yearly at Crow Haven Corner, Salem, MA, as well as ongoing private events.

Lisa may be contacted at 845-240-0881 or at daleydouble2@yahoo.com

Lindsey Sass

Lindsey Sass


Lindsey Sass is Director of The NJ Healing Center. She is a natural CLAIRVOYANT GUIDE, MEDIUM, HEALER, and SPIRITUAL TEACHER and a nationally Certified Hypnotist with a degree in Psychology. She connects her clients to their deceased loved one’s intending to bring love, comfort, and spiritual guidance. She has created a specific technique to help her clients heal from the loss of their loved one and to own their natural gifts. She also guides them on their life path by understanding their gifts, talents and abilities and helps them toward a happier more fulfilling life including love relationships. Lindsey has been featured in five publications.

She can be reached at Lindseysass@gmail.com or 973-714-0765.

Virginia Russell

Virginia Russell


Virginia Russell is an intuitive who has been studying Numerology and Astrology most of her life. A numerology chart is determined by the numbers and letters of your birth date and name at birth. Sign up to learn the 7 key Numbers of your Personal Chart plus the characteristics of your personal year for 2025. Since it takes time to calculate the chart, please sign up early and include your birth date and the full name that is on your birth certificate. Virginia is also President of Russell Consulting which offers Career Coaching and Corporate Training to Individuals and corporations.

Virginia can be reached at vrussell@russellconsultingintl.com or russellvirginia12@gmail.com.

Cindy Zweibel

Cindy Zweibel


Cindy Zweibel has been a well-loved and well known psychic tarot card reader both privately and in the Event Entertainment Industry for over 4 decades. Cindy uses the tarot as a bridge to receive inspirational messages from her Spirit Guides to guide her clients. Her corporate clients have included Sony, Fox TV, Time Warner Cable (now Spectrum), Showtime, and HBO, amongst many others. Cindy is the author of THE TAROT: A JOURNEY TO HIGHER CONSCIOUSNESS and has been MCNJ’s Tarot Instructor from 1986 until around 2019. Her work with the Tarot has been featured in The Encyclopedia of Tarot, volume 3, published by US Games Systems. Her work has also been featured on TV, radio, and podcast interviews. She is an ordained minister with The Universal Life Church in Modesto, California.

You can contact her at: czpent@aol.com.
201-461-3770 (office)

Diane Rivera, MhD

Diane Rivera, MhD


Diane Rivera works closely with the Angelic Realm and is a third generation Intuitive Psychic Medium. Her abilities allow her to see and share clarity, guidance and healing messages from many Angelic Beings including your loved ones. She holds a Metaphysical Degree, is a Certified Holistic Healing Practitioner and is an Ordained Minister. Diane continues studies with Author Ford School of Metaphysics at the Delphi University of Spiritual Studies as well as the Patricia Hayes School of Healing & Metaphysics. Diane teaches and  provides guided meditations, mediumship, channeled energy healing, workshops, spiritual counseling, and mentorship. Diane offers services in person as well as virtually.

Contact her at (845) 406-7021 or RiveraDiane13@gmail.com

Lori Milchman

Lori Milchman


Lori is a Psychic Medium. She has been doing readings for 10 years now, but she was clairvoyant her whole life. She could predict names, numbers and 5 pregnancies. She knew she had the gift from her higher power and guides. In her readings, it’s like an adventure of all different information that is channeled through; From past lives to loved ones coming through to assessing her client to predicting future events, it’s all accurate and honest. Come experience a reading with her and you’ll be a changed person!

Swami Tirtha

Swami Tirtha


Swami Tirtha was born with intuitive, mediumship & healing gifts. Then around 2015 he was called to go deeper into his mediumship and studied both group and individual-approach readings with top mediums at Lilydale Spiritualist Camp.

These days he offers both group and individual sessions online and in person.

The style he offers is ‘evidence-based’ mediumship readings so you can validate what messages he shares. Ask questions about your personal, career, or social life; or simply ask to hear what loved ones in heaven and spirit wants to share with you.

Contact him via his website OrangeCowboy.com or Instagram: @HeavensCall9

Registration ends at midnight ET on May 15th, but spaces will fill quickly.  Reserve your spot by clicking the button below!

All readings are for educational and entertainment purposes only and make no claim to provide medical, legal, or financial advice.

Once payment is complete, your time slot will be confirmed, and no one else will be able to book that time slot.  Because of this, there will be no refunds.  Readers have a tight schedule, and it is your responsibility to be on-time for your reading.

For questions or more information, contact: Bill at info@metaphysicalcenter.org