modern day Mystery School
Metaphysical Center of New Jersey
Our purpose is to educate, enlighten, and encourage spiritual consciousness. Through our classes and events, we aim to help people evolve in consciousness by learning to apply the cosmic laws to their daily life.
MCNJ calendar
Upcoming Events
Free Healing from Jesus Dario - March 19 - 8PM
Spiritual healer Jesus Dario will send out healing on March 19 from 8pm to 9pm to everyone who needs it, people as well as animals.
To receive this healing, you do not need to do anything. If you wish, you can focus or meditate during this time, but it is not necessary. Simply intend to receive the healing energies.
To learn more about Jesus Dario, visit his website.

Metaphysics & Parapsychology Program

Metaphysics and Parapsychology - Level 2
Begins February 26. 8-week series.

Metaphysics and Parapsychology - Level 3
Message from MCNJ President
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Sponsorships Available

Metaphysical Mastery Podcast
Join us on Divas That Care Network for special podcasts called Metaphysical Mastery. Held on the third Thursday of each month live at 4PM ET. Call in at 914-338-1479 and look for the replay here afterwards. October 19 podcast is on Shadow Work.
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