John White in his book, The Meeting of Science and Spirit, states that there is “an evolutionary advance (that) is taking place in the world today as a higher form of humanity takes control of the planet.” He calls this new human “Homo noeticus.” He says: “If evolution is essentially the unfolding of consciousness, Homo noeticus will be characterized by the mystical state of consciousness.”
This new human will be recognizable by their deep awareness and self-understanding, a cooperative and loving motivation, an all embracing, transpersonal sense of identity, and a belief that life is not a choice of either/or but both/and. Bruce Lipton agrees. In Biology of Belief he states: “Evolution’s repetitive, fractal patterns allow us to predict that humans will figure out how to expand their consciousness in order to climb another rung of the evolutionary ladder.”
When the Metaphysical Center first offered the course “The Fifth Dimension and the Future of the World” it was the end of the Piscean Age. The information available to us at that time was based on the ancient wisdom teachings, channeled readings, and studies both scientific and anecdotal from the mid to the end of the twentieth century. Since then there has been an explosion of information as the souls of the indigo, crystal, and rainbow children have populated our planet. White’s and Lipton’s statements about the growth of consciousness are being carried out by these now-adult special souls and humanity is being swept along in its own evolution.
There are many ways we see this change from the number of free Internet programs on the subject to the research that is being done. Professionals in the new fields of neurocardiology and neurogastroenterology along with organizations like the HeartMath Institute, have routinely shown with acceptable scientific research that the heart is the guide in our evolution. It is responsible for what is being called “conscious coherence.”
There are several definitions of the term coherence, but the research at the HeartMath Institute states: “Coherence is the cooperative alignment between the heart, mind, and emotions and can be measured by looking at changes in our heart rhythms, heat rate variability analysis (HRV).”
Their studies show the electromagnetic field of the heart is about 60 times greater in amplitude than the head brain and many more times stronger than any other electrical impulse in the body. Additionally, the magnetic component is approximately 5,000 times stronger than the cranial brain’s magnetic field. “The heart’s field not only permeates every cell of the body but radiates outside of us; it can be measured up to eight to ten feet away with sensitive detectors called magnetometers.”
“This field, emerging out of our heart and surrounding our body, is a spiraling form called a torus” according to Joseph Chilton Pearce in The Heart-Mind Matrix. The torus form has been charted through EKGs and more recently observed as the same electromagnetic form emanating from both the Earth and the Sun. The impact of this information involves the non-physical aspect of the Heart Mind.
While the organs in the circulatory, digestive and nervous systems are physical and perform physical functions, we are dual in nature and the energetic system works simultaneously with the physical. The body is made up of organs and systems, but it is alive because of the etheric function or non-local mind of the ALL that focuses the Life Force energy in the physical body. It surrounds and interpenetrates every cell of the physical and subtle bodies. Quantum physics confirms that everything is energy vibrating at different frequencies. Thus, we can better understand the energy of the psychic body, whether it is called soul or mind or life force or prana or chi.
Hence the importance of the torus form. While science can map the torus as an electromagnetic image of our emotional energy body, it is only revealing a “virtual reality of what is occurring, not the real thing as itself—the real thing is our self and our heart’s nature” says Pearce. There is a wonderful saying in The Little Prince by Saint Exupery which says: “It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye.” It is this invisibility of the energetic body that is so critical for keeping us alive and for providing the quality of the life we live.
The heart mind then, in conjunction with the heart brain, is how we can access the wisdom of the heart and that is directly related to our emotions. Some research shows that emotions originate in the amygdala area of the cranial brain; others say emotions occur as the result of hormones released in the gut. “The human emotional system isn’t confined to the brain but is instead distributed in a network throughout the entire body. The heart is a central player in this network” according to HeartMath scientists, Doc Childre and Howard Martin. The physical heart is involved in the four ways it communicates, but Gary Zucav, in his book The Heart of the Soul, states: “All of your emotions originate in the same place—your energy system…Your energy system is not detectable by ray or magnetic resonance imaging…(Emotions) are undetectable by the five senses but they are not undetectable by your inner experiences. They are your inner experiences.” Emotions are currents of energy that run through you.
Heart-based, coherent living, then, is a way of life in which our thoughts, words, and behaviors are associated with the highest qualities of emotion—appreciation, care, love, kindness, patience, and compassion. It is a state of coherence that resonates both inwardly to the core of our authentic self and outwardly as we interact with others and the world so that we live connected in the Oneness that is life.
How do we access those emotions, then, to bring about conscious coherence? See Part 3 to identify what we know about raising our vibration to a level of living a coherent, heart-centered life.
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