Metaphysics 1
Metaphysics 1 involves an introduction to the terms and key concepts involved in this study as we explore the origins of the ancient wisdom and how these teachings have been preserved. We look at some of the people throughout history that have also studied it from Pythagoras to Einstein as well as the Founding Fathers of America. The seven laws or principles that underlie these teachings are the basis for understanding the different planes of reality. This, in turn, helps us to appreciate why people reincarnate and how the law of cause and effect operates in our lives.
Metaphysics 2
Metaphysics 2 explores the mystery of vibration and how it affects us. We can better understand the death process—what happens when we die and afterwards—since matter is neither created nor destroyed and simply changes vibration. This also helps us to appreciate the many ways sound and light impacts our lives. The chakras, or wheels of energy in our bodies, are an example of this and we explore how that energy shows up in our auric field and has been identified through Kirlian photography. We also investigate the many kinds of extra sensory perception and learn how to develop it in ourselves.
Metaphysics 3
The first part of Metaphysics 3 deals primarily with the mind and consciousness. The mind is that aspect of humans which involves the physical but is beyond it as well encompassing the subconscious and superconscious dimensions and we learn how they impact conscious awareness. The second part of this course explores humanity’s evolution through what are called Root Races or periods of time when humans changed physically, emotionally, mentally, spiritually, and culturally. Two earlier Root Races we explore in depth involve the lost civilizations of Lemuria and Atlantis.
Metaphysics 4
In Metaphysics 4 we follow up on the Root Races with an exploration of the Soul and how it evolves through the various kingdoms of nature and beyond. This leads naturally to a discussion of Fate and Free Will, the eternal existential debate. Noticing the symbols that appear throughout our life helps us to come to terms with both Fate and Free Will. Numerals are an important symbolic language as well and we will search for their meaning in life. Finally we explore the secrets hidden in the Great Pyramid and look to our extraterrestrial neighbors to perhaps provide some clues.
Metaphysics 5
In Metaphysics 5 we explore the question: Why am I here? Looking at the purpose of life from many different perspectives helps us to understand the human experience as a series of initiations for our soul’s growth. As we come to realize that everything in manifestation is a form of energy, we search the hidden or esoteric meanings of the word God. Having that background helps us then to understand at some level the purpose of evil in our lives and in the world. Knowing that all is energy we can look at the various ways it is revealed in the cosmos through what are called rays or attributes of the Divine.
Metaphysics 6
Metaphysics 6 expands the topic of the Universal Rays as they are expressed through the Hierarchy, the realm of higher beings who support humanity’s evolution. This group of older brothers and sisters is made up of the Ascended Masters one of whom is Jesus who we study in depth esoterically as well as historically. We continue the study of the unseen realm with the Devic Kingdom and the Angels, Elementals, Fairies, Elves and the Lords of Karma who help to guide our decisions before we come to have our human experiences.
Metaphysics 7
Metaphysics 7 looks at the very small and the very large in our universe: the Microcosm and the Macrocosm. Based on the Law of Correspondence we observe how this plays out from sub-atomic particles to the immense periods of time that make up the life cycle of the Universe. We learn how this micro and macrocosm operate in our own body as well through our organs and systems and how this shows up in the external world in palmistry, iridology, and Chinese Face Reading. As we study the Kabbala, we see the connection to the human spine and to the World Tree, a symbol in many religions and cultures.
Metaphysics 8
In Metaphysics 8 we explore the ancient religions of Tibet such as Buddhism, Hinduism, and the Bon religion which leads to the study and practice of the different types of yoga and breathing exercises. We investigate the seven sacred hidden cities or Shamballas, one of which is in Tibet, and learn how they are located on Earth’s chakras. The concept of kundalini, or serpent energy that rises through the chakras, is discussed and related to the ancient Mayan, Aztec and Incan symbolism and mythology. Finally we look at where humanity is headed, into the fifth dimension which is a higher level of vibration.
Metaphysics 9
In Metaphysics 9 we investigate the ego as we study the evolving concepts of the Self through history and how the “I” is also related to the eye in the physical body. Using various meditation practices, we learn how it can be used to develop your inner eye or psychic powers. We look at the four basic elements of earth, air, water and fire while delving deeper into the element of fire through a discussion of how Divine Fire operates in our life. Knowing that these elements are different manifestations of energy helps us to understand that money is simply another form of energy that we use in our lives.
Metaphysics 10
Metaphysics 10 returns to the Law of Polarity but from a higher level as we learn how outer and inner transmutation helps us to find the balance point in life. Having investigated the lower self in Metaphysics 9, now we explore our Higher Self, the immortal part of us which is recorded in the Akashic Records. We learn how we can tap into this as we explore the ever-changing universe both from a physical and metaphysical perspective. Finally, we explore the numerological and astrological significance of the legendary King Arthur, his knights and other characters in the tale, as well as the important themes in this story.
Metaphysics 11
In Metaphysics 11, we study aspects of both the Old and New Testament of the Bible. Understanding the Hebrew alphabet helps to explain the more esoteric passages of both the creation story in Genesis and the mysteries related to the Ark of the Covenant in Exodus. Learning about the Essenes, a Jewish mystical sect, allows us to understand the story of Jesus, Mary, and Joseph a little more clearly and to comprehend the difference between the Immaculate Conception and Virgin Birth. Likewise, the Crucifixion story is understood in a different light when viewed as an aspect of initiation.
Metaphysics 12
Metaphysics 12 begins with an exploration of the mysterious priest/king figure, Melchizedek, who is known as the ancient of ancients. We then explore what happens during a mystical experience and the effects of illumination on the mind, body, and emotions. We learn how the Heart is not only the center of the chakra system, but how it is the link between the physical and non-physical realms as well. A study of dreams also bridges the astral and physical worlds and leads to an exploration of the Cosmic Void which is a concept that requires that we go one step beyond all that we believe.
Metaphysics 13
Metaphysics 13 explores prophecies from various traditions such as Biblical, Native American and Peruvian Shamanism. We look to find the New World Leader as we are at the beginning of the new Aquarian Age and someone always emerges to guide humanity’s evolution. As we investigate the Rose and learn its symbolism of spiritual unfoldment we are reminded how to make magic in our own lives. We learn of the transformation that takes place when we know how to apply to our everyday life all of the metaphysical principles that we have learned.