MCNJ invites all spiritual seekers to join with us on Monday, April 26, via zoom at 8:00PM EDT as we celebrate WESAK with an online ceremony.
WESAK occurs once a year at the Full Moon in Taurus, generally at the end of April or in May. It is when the Lord Buddha makes his annual return to bless humanity through the Christ and the assembled hierarchy of Masters.
While Buddhists celebrate Wesak as the time that marks the birth, death and enlightenment of the Buddha, students of the ageless wisdom know that this is a high point of the spiritual year and a momentous spiritual event for Humanity.
It is a time of the greatest outpouring of blessings from the Great Compassion of the Buddha to awaken the human soul in all men and women. The annual Wesak blessing plays a crucial role in the coming of the new light upon Earth.
Click here for an article entitled Significance of Wesak: The Festival of the Buddha by Cyrus Ryan, a Canadian Zen Theosophist who has spoken for MCNJ in the past. He relates the story of Wesak as it takes place in the mountains of Tibet in Shambhala.
If you wish to set up your own altar for the ceremony, click here for a list of supplies and to make a copy of the Mantram of the Buddha and the Great Invocation which we will be reciting together.
Here is the Zoom link and information to join:
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