May 3, 2025 – 7pm
The Science of Self-Healing
Can’t attend live? Join us remotely!
Those who can’t attend live, can join this workshop remotely via a livestream. Livestream link will be emailed to participants after registration.
May 3, 2025 – 7pm at The Unitarian Society of Ridgewood
113 Cottage Place, Ridgewood, NJ 07450 (View in Google Maps)
Online pricing: $20 for members and $25 for non-members
($25/$30 at the door)
Please always check back to this website. You will be notified here in case of inclement weather cancellations.

Margabandhu Martarano
Margabandhu John Martarano, (BA, E-RYT), has been in practice as a Holistic Health Educator and Herbal Specialist for over 50 years and as a Master Yoga Instructor for 54 years. He has been Director of the Well Being Center since its inception in 1984 and the Integral Yoga Institute of NJ since 1969. He served on the Board of Directors of the Hippocrates Health Institute in Boston, MA, during its early days.
Margabandhu is a certified Acupressure therapist. Margabandhu’s consultations cover the areas of Acupressure, Reflexology, Herbology, Nutritional Counseling, Relaxation, and Stress Management techniques.